Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from ctypes import (
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional
import typing
import weakref

from pyglet import gl

from .uniform import Uniform, UniformBlock
from .types import AttribFormat, GLTypes, SHADER_TYPE_NAMES, PyGLenum
from .exceptions import ShaderException

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # handle import cycle caused by type hinting
    from import Context

[docs] class Program: """ Compiled and linked shader program. Currently supports vertex, fragment and geometry shaders. Transform feedback also supported when output attributes names are passed in the varyings parameter. The best way to create a program instance is through :py:meth:`` Access Uniforms via the ``[]`` operator. Example:: program['MyUniform'] = value :param ctx: The context this program belongs to :param vertex_shader: vertex shader source :param fragment_shader: fragment shader source :param geometry_shader: geometry shader source :param tess_control_shader: tessellation control shader source :param tess_evaluation_shader: tessellation evaluation shader source :param varyings: List of out attributes used in transform feedback. :param varyings_capture_mode: The capture mode for transforms. ``"interleaved"`` means all out attribute will be written to a single buffer. ``"separate"`` means each out attribute will be written separate buffers. Based on these settings the `transform()` method will accept a single buffer or a list of buffer. """ __slots__ = ( "_ctx", "_glo", "_uniforms", "_varyings", "_varyings_capture_mode", "_geometry_info", "_attributes", "attribute_key", "__weakref__", ) _valid_capture_modes = ("interleaved", "separate") def __init__( self, ctx: "Context", *, vertex_shader: str, fragment_shader: Optional[str] = None, geometry_shader: Optional[str] = None, tess_control_shader: Optional[str] = None, tess_evaluation_shader: Optional[str] = None, varyings: Optional[List[str]] = None, varyings_capture_mode: str = "interleaved", ): self._ctx = ctx self._glo = glo = gl.glCreateProgram() self._varyings = varyings or [] self._varyings_capture_mode = varyings_capture_mode.strip().lower() self._geometry_info = (0, 0, 0) self._attributes = [] # type: List[AttribFormat] #: Internal cache key used with vertex arrays self.attribute_key = "INVALID" # type: str self._uniforms: Dict[str, Union[Uniform, UniformBlock]] = {} if self._varyings_capture_mode not in self._valid_capture_modes: raise ValueError( f"Invalid capture mode '{self._varyings_capture_mode}'. " f"Valid modes are: {self._valid_capture_modes}." ) shaders: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [(vertex_shader, gl.GL_VERTEX_SHADER)] if fragment_shader: shaders.append((fragment_shader, gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) if geometry_shader: shaders.append((geometry_shader, gl.GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER)) if tess_control_shader: shaders.append((tess_control_shader, gl.GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER)) if tess_evaluation_shader: shaders.append((tess_evaluation_shader, gl.GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER)) # Inject a dummy fragment shader on gles when doing transforms if self._ctx.gl_api == "gles" and not fragment_shader: dummy_frag_src = """ #version 310 es precision mediump float; out vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = vec4(1.0); } """ shaders.append((dummy_frag_src, gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) shaders_id = [] for shader_code, shader_type in shaders: shader = Program.compile_shader(shader_code, shader_type) gl.glAttachShader(self._glo, shader) shaders_id.append(shader) # For now we assume varyings can be set up if no fragment shader if not fragment_shader: self._configure_varyings() if geometry_shader: geometry_in = gl.GLint() geometry_out = gl.GLint() geometry_vertices = gl.GLint() gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE, geometry_in) gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE, geometry_out) gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT, geometry_vertices) self._geometry_info = ( geometry_in.value, geometry_out.value, geometry_vertices.value, ) # Delete shaders (not needed after linking) for shader in shaders_id: gl.glDeleteShader(shader) gl.glDetachShader(self._glo, shader) # Handle uniforms self._introspect_attributes() self._introspect_uniforms() self._introspect_uniform_blocks() if self._ctx.gc_mode == "auto": weakref.finalize(self, Program.delete_glo, self._ctx, glo) self.ctx.stats.incr("program") def __del__(self): # Intercept garbage collection if we are using Context.gc() if self._ctx.gc_mode == "context_gc" and self._glo > 0: self._ctx.objects.append(self) @property def ctx(self) -> "Context": """ The context this program belongs to :type: :py:class:`` """ return self._ctx @property def glo(self) -> int: """ The OpenGL resource id for this program :type: int """ return self._glo @property def attributes(self) -> Iterable[AttribFormat]: """ List of attribute information """ return self._attributes @property def varyings(self) -> List[str]: """ Out attributes names used in transform feedback :type: list of str """ return self._varyings @property def out_attributes(self) -> List[str]: """ Out attributes names used in transform feedback. .. Warning:: Old alias for ``varyings``. May be removed in the future. :type: list of str """ return self._varyings @property def varyings_capture_mode(self) -> str: """ Get the capture more for transform feedback (single, multiple). This is a read only property since capture mode can only be set before the program is linked. """ return self._varyings_capture_mode @property def geometry_input(self) -> int: """ The geometry shader's input primitive type. This an be compared with ``GL_TRIANGLES``, ``GL_POINTS`` etc. and is queried when the program is created. :type: int """ return self._geometry_info[0] @property def geometry_output(self) -> int: """The geometry shader's output primitive type. This an be compared with ``GL_TRIANGLES``, ``GL_POINTS`` etc. and is queried when the program is created. :type: int """ return self._geometry_info[1] @property def geometry_vertices(self) -> int: """ The maximum number of vertices that can be emitted. This is queried when the program is created. :type: int """ return self._geometry_info[2]
[docs] def delete(self): """ Destroy the underlying OpenGL resource. Don't use this unless you know exactly what you are doing. """ Program.delete_glo(self._ctx, self._glo) self._glo = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_glo(ctx, prog_id): """ Deletes a program. This is normally called automatically when the program is garbage collected. :param ctx: The context :param prog_id: The OpenGL resource id """ # Check to see if the context was already cleaned up from program # shut down. If so, we don't need to delete the shaders. if gl.current_context is None: return gl.glDeleteProgram(prog_id) ctx.stats.decr("program")
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item) -> Union[Uniform, UniformBlock]: """Get a uniform or uniform block""" try: uniform = self._uniforms[item] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Uniform with the name `{item}` was not found.") return uniform.getter()
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set a uniform value""" # NOTE: We don't need this when using glProgramUniform # Ensure we are setting the uniform on this program # if self._ctx.active_program != self: # self.use() try: uniform = self._uniforms[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Uniform with the name `{key}` was not found.") uniform.setter(value)
[docs] def set_uniform_safe(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Safely set a uniform catching KeyError. :param name: The uniform name :param value: The uniform value """ try: self[name] = value except KeyError: pass
[docs] def set_uniform_array_safe(self, name: str, value: List[Any]): """ Safely set a uniform array. Arrays can be shortened by the glsl compiler not all elements are determined to be in use. This function checks the length of the actual array and sets a subset of the values if needed. If the uniform don't exist no action will be done. :param name: Name of uniform :param value: List of values """ if name not in self._uniforms: return uniform = typing.cast(Uniform, self._uniforms[name]) _len = uniform._array_length * uniform._components if _len == 1: self.set_uniform_safe(name, value[0]) else: self.set_uniform_safe(name, value[:_len])
[docs] def use(self): """ Activates the shader. This is normally done for you automatically. """ # IMPORTANT: This is the only place glUseProgram should be called # so we can track active program. # if self._ctx.active_program != self: gl.glUseProgram(self._glo)
# self._ctx.active_program = self def _configure_varyings(self): """Set up transform feedback varyings""" if not self._varyings: return # Covert names to char** c_array = (c_char_p * len(self._varyings))() for i, name in enumerate(self._varyings): c_array[i] = name.encode() ptr = cast(c_array, POINTER(POINTER(c_char))) # Are we capturing in interlaved or separate buffers? mode = gl.GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS if self._varyings_capture_mode == "interleaved" \ else gl.GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS gl.glTransformFeedbackVaryings( self._glo, # program len( self._varyings ), # number of varying variables used for transform feedback ptr, # zero-terminated strings specifying the names of the varying variables mode, ) def _introspect_attributes(self): """Introspect and store detailed info about an attribute""" # TODO: Ensure gl_* attributes are ignored num_attrs = gl.GLint() gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, num_attrs) num_varyings = gl.GLint() gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS, num_varyings) # print(f"attrs {num_attrs.value} varyings={num_varyings.value}") for i in range(num_attrs.value): c_name = create_string_buffer(256) c_size = gl.GLint() c_type = gl.GLenum() gl.glGetActiveAttrib( self._glo, # program to query i, # index (not the same as location) 256, # max attr name size None, # c_length, # length of name c_size, # size of attribute (array or not) c_type, # attribute type (enum) c_name, # name buffer ) # Get the actual location. Do not trust the original order location = gl.glGetAttribLocation(self._glo, c_name) # print(c_name.value, c_size, c_type) type_info = GLTypes.get(c_type.value) # print(type_info) self._attributes.append( AttribFormat( c_name.value.decode(), type_info.gl_type, type_info.components, type_info.gl_size, location=location, ) ) # The attribute key is used to cache VertexArrays self.attribute_key = ":".join( f"{}[{attr.gl_type}/{attr.components}]" for attr in self._attributes ) def _introspect_uniforms(self): """Figure out what uniforms are available and build an internal map""" # Number of active uniforms in the program active_uniforms = gl.GLint(0) gl.glGetProgramiv(self._glo, gl.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, byref(active_uniforms)) # Loop all the active uniforms for index in range(active_uniforms.value): # Query uniform information like name, type, size etc. u_name, u_type, u_size = self._query_uniform(index) u_location = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self._glo, u_name.encode()) # Skip uniforms that may be in Uniform Blocks # TODO: We should handle all uniforms if u_location == -1: # print(f"Uniform {u_location} {u_name} {u_size} {u_type} skipped") continue u_name = u_name.replace("[0]", "") # Remove array suffix self._uniforms[u_name] = Uniform( self._ctx, self._glo, u_location, u_name, u_type, u_size ) def _introspect_uniform_blocks(self): active_uniform_blocks = gl.GLint(0) gl.glGetProgramiv( self._glo, gl.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, byref(active_uniform_blocks) ) # print('GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS', active_uniform_blocks) for loc in range(active_uniform_blocks.value): index, size, name = self._query_uniform_block(loc) block = UniformBlock(self._glo, index, size, name) self._uniforms[name] = block def _query_uniform(self, location: int) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: """Retrieve Uniform information at given location. Returns the name, the type as a GLenum (GL_FLOAT, ...) and the size. Size is greater than 1 only for Uniform arrays, like an array of floats or an array of Matrices. """ u_size = gl.GLint() u_type = gl.GLenum() buf_size = 192 # max uniform character length u_name = create_string_buffer(buf_size) gl.glGetActiveUniform( self._glo, # program to query location, # location to query buf_size, # size of the character/name buffer None, # the number of characters actually written by OpenGL in the string u_size, # size of the uniform variable u_type, # data type of the uniform variable u_name, # string buffer for storing the name ) return u_name.value.decode(), u_type.value, u_size.value def _query_uniform_block(self, location: int) -> Tuple[int, int, str]: """Query active uniform block by retrieving the name and index and size""" # Query name u_size = gl.GLint() buf_size = 192 # max uniform character length u_name = create_string_buffer(buf_size) gl.glGetActiveUniformBlockName( self._glo, # program to query location, # location to query 256, # max size if the name u_size, # length u_name, ) # Query index index = gl.glGetUniformBlockIndex(self._glo, u_name) # Query size b_size = gl.GLint() gl.glGetActiveUniformBlockiv( self._glo, index, gl.GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, b_size ) return index, b_size.value, u_name.value.decode()
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_shader(source: str, shader_type: PyGLenum) -> gl.GLuint: """Compile the shader code of the given type. `shader_type` could be GL_VERTEX_SHADER, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, ... Returns the shader id as a GLuint """ shader = gl.glCreateShader(shader_type) source_bytes = source.encode("utf-8") # Turn the source code string into an array of c_char_p arrays. strings = byref(cast(c_char_p(source_bytes), POINTER(c_char))) # Make an array with the strings lengths lengths = pointer(c_int(len(source_bytes))) gl.glShaderSource(shader, 1, strings, lengths) gl.glCompileShader(shader) result = c_int() gl.glGetShaderiv(shader, gl.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, byref(result)) if result.value == gl.GL_FALSE: msg = create_string_buffer(512) length = c_int() gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, 512, byref(length), msg) raise ShaderException( ( f"Error compiling {SHADER_TYPE_NAMES[shader_type]} " f"({result.value}): {msg.value.decode('utf-8')}\n" f"---- [{SHADER_TYPE_NAMES[shader_type]}] ---\n" ) + "\n".join( f"{str(i + 1).zfill(3)}: {line} " for i, line in enumerate(source.split("\n")) ) ) return shader
def __repr__(self): return "<Program id={}>".format(self._glo)