Source code for arcade.utils

Various utility functions.

These  should be standalone and not rely on any arcade imports
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import platform
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Tuple, Type, TypeVar
from pathlib import Path

_CT = TypeVar('_CT')  # Comparable type, ie supports the <= operator

__all__ = [

[docs] class OutsideRangeError(ValueError): """ Raised when a value is outside and expected range This class and its subclasses are intended to be arcade-internal helpers to clearly signal exactly what went wrong. Each helps type annotate and template a string describing exactly what went wrong. :param var_name: the name of the variable or argument :param value: the value to fall outside the expected range :param lower: the lower bound, inclusive, of the range :param upper: the upper bound, inclusive, of the range """ def __init__(self, var_name: str, value: _CT, lower: _CT, upper: _CT): super().__init__(f"{var_name} must be between {lower} and {upper}, inclusive, not {value}") self.var_name = var_name self.value = value self.lower = lower self.upper = upper
[docs] class IntOutsideRangeError(OutsideRangeError): """ An integer was outside an expected range This class was originally intended to assist deserialization from data packed into ints, such as :py:class:`~arcade.types.Color`. :param var_name: the name of the variable or argument :param value: the value to fall outside the expected range :param lower: the lower bound, inclusive, of the range :param upper: the upper bound, inclusive, of the range """ def __init__(self, var_name: str, value: int, lower: int, upper: int): super().__init__(var_name, value, lower, upper)
[docs] class FloatOutsideRangeError(OutsideRangeError): """ A float value was outside an expected range :param var_name: the name of the variable or argument :param value: the value to fall outside the expected range :param lower: the lower bound, inclusive, of the range :param upper: the upper bound, inclusive, of the range """ def __init__(self, var_name: str, value: float, lower: float, upper: float): super().__init__(var_name, value, lower, upper)
[docs] class ByteRangeError(IntOutsideRangeError): """ An int was outside the range of 0 to 255 inclusive :param var_name: the name of the variable or argument :param value: the value to fall outside the expected range """ def __init__(self, var_name: str, value: int): super().__init__(var_name, value, 0, 255)
[docs] class NormalizedRangeError(FloatOutsideRangeError): """ A float was not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive Note that normalized floats should not normally be bound-checked as before drawing as this is taken care of on the GPU side. The exceptions to this are when processing data on the Python side, especially when it is cheaper to bound check two floats than call clamping functions. :param var_name: the name of the variable or argument :param value: the value to fall outside the expected range """ def __init__(self, var_name: str, value: float): super().__init__(var_name, value, 0.0, 1.0)
_TType = TypeVar('_TType', bound=Type)
[docs] def copy_dunders_unimplemented(decorated_type: _TType) -> _TType: """Decorator stubs dunders raising :py:class:`NotImplementedError`. Temp fixes by stubbing the following instance methods: * :py:meth:`object.__copy__` (used by :py:func:`copy.copy`) * :py:meth:`object.__deepcopy__` (used by :py:func:`copy.deepcopy`) Example usage: .. code-block:: python import copy from arcade,utils import copy_dunders_unimplemented from arcade.hypothetical_module import HypotheticalNasty # Example usage @copy_dunders_unimplemented class CantCopy: def __init__(self, nasty_state: HypotheticalNasty): self.nasty_state = nasty_state instance = CantCopy(HypotheticalNasty()) # These raise NotImplementedError this_line_raises = copy.deepcopy(instance) this_line_also_raises = copy.copy(instance) """ def __copy__(self): # noqa raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not implement __copy__, but" f"you may implement it on a custom subclass." ) decorated_type.__copy__ = __copy__ def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # noqa raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not implement __deepcopy__," f" but you may implement it on a custom subclass." ) decorated_type.__deepcopy__ = __deepcopy__ return decorated_type
[docs] class PerformanceWarning(Warning): """Use this for issuing performance warnings.""" pass
[docs] class ReplacementWarning(Warning): """Use this for issuing warnings about naming and functionality changes.""" pass
[docs] def warning(warning_type: Type[Warning], message: str = "", **kwargs): def actual_warning_decorator(func): nonlocal message if warning_type == ReplacementWarning and not message: message = f"{func.__name__} is deprecated. Use {kwargs.get('new_name', '')} instead." @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(message, warning_type) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return actual_warning_decorator
[docs] def generate_uuid_from_kwargs(**kwargs) -> str: """ Given key/pair combos, returns a string in "UUID" format. With inputs such as `text='hi', size=32` it will return `"text=hi|size=32"`. This function does NOT return a random unique ID. It must be called with parameters, and will raise an error if passed no keyword arguments. """ if not kwargs: raise Exception("generate_uuid_from_kwargs has to be used with kwargs, please check the doc.") return "|".join(f"{key}={str(value)}" for key, value in kwargs.items())
[docs] def is_raspberry_pi() -> bool: """ Determine if the host is a raspberry pi. :returns: bool """ return get_raspberry_pi_info()[0]
[docs] def get_raspberry_pi_info() -> Tuple[bool, str, str]: """ Determine if the host is a raspberry pi with additional info. :returns: 3 component tuple. bool (is host a raspi) str (architecture) str (model name) """ # armv7l is raspi 32 bit # aarch64 is raspi 64 bit architecture = platform.machine() model_name = "" # The platform for raspi should always be linux if not sys.platform == "linux": return False, "", "" # Check for model info file MODEL_PATH = Path("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model") if MODEL_PATH.exists(): try: model_name = MODEL_PATH.read_text()[:-1] if "raspberry pi" in model_name.lower(): return True, architecture, model_name except Exception: pass return False, "", ""