Source code for arcade.context

Arcade's version of the OpenGL Context.
Contains pre-loaded programs
from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager

import pyglet
from pyglet import gl
from import UniformBufferObject
from PIL import Image

import arcade
from import BufferDescription, Context
from import ComputeShader
from import Program
from import Texture2D
from import Geometry
from import Framebuffer
from pyglet.math import Mat4
from arcade.texture_atlas import TextureAtlas

__all__ = ["ArcadeContext"]

[docs] class ArcadeContext(Context): """ An OpenGL context implementation for Arcade with added custom features. This context is normally accessed through :py:attr:`arcade.Window.ctx`. Pyglet users can use the base Context class and extend that as they please. **This is part of the low level rendering API in arcade and is mainly for more advanced usage** :param window: The pyglet window :param gc_mode: The garbage collection mode for opengl objects. ``auto`` is just what we would expect in python while ``context_gc`` (default) requires you to call ``Context.gc()``. The latter can be useful when using multiple threads when it's not clear what thread will gc the object. """ atlas_size = 512, 512 def __init__(self, window: pyglet.window.Window, gc_mode: str = "context_gc", gl_api: str = "gl"): super().__init__(window, gc_mode=gc_mode, gl_api=gl_api) # Enabled blending by default self.enable(self.BLEND) self.blend_func = self.BLEND_DEFAULT # Set up a default orthogonal projection for sprites and shapes self._window_block: UniformBufferObject = window.ubo self.bind_window_block() self.projection_2d = ( 0, self.screen.width, 0, self.screen.height, ) # --- Pre-load system shaders here --- # FIXME: These pre-created resources needs to be packaged nicely # Just having them globally in the context is probably not a good idea self.line_vertex_shader: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/line_vertex_shader_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/line_vertex_shader_fs.glsl", ) self.line_generic_with_colors_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/line_generic_with_colors_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/line_generic_with_colors_fs.glsl", ) self.shape_element_list_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shape_element_list_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shape_element_list_fs.glsl", ) self.sprite_list_program_no_cull: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_vs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_no_cull_geo.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_fs.glsl", ) self.sprite_list_program_no_cull["sprite_texture"] = 0 self.sprite_list_program_no_cull["uv_texture"] = 1 self.sprite_list_program_cull: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_vs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_cull_geo.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/sprites/sprite_list_geometry_fs.glsl", ) self.sprite_list_program_cull["sprite_texture"] = 0 self.sprite_list_program_cull["uv_texture"] = 1 # Shapes self.shape_line_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/unbuffered_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/unbuffered_fs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/line/unbuffered_geo.glsl", ) self.shape_ellipse_filled_unbuffered_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/filled_unbuffered_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/filled_unbuffered_fs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/filled_unbuffered_geo.glsl", ) self.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/outline_unbuffered_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/outline_unbuffered_fs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/ellipse/outline_unbuffered_geo.glsl", ) self.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/rectangle/filled_unbuffered_vs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/rectangle/filled_unbuffered_fs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/shapes/rectangle/filled_unbuffered_geo.glsl", ) # Atlas shaders self.atlas_resize_program: Program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/atlas/resize_vs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/atlas/resize_gs.glsl", fragment_shader=":system:shaders/atlas/resize_fs.glsl", ) self.atlas_resize_program["atlas_old"] = 0 # Configure texture channels self.atlas_resize_program["atlas_new"] = 1 self.atlas_resize_program["texcoords_old"] = 2 self.atlas_resize_program["texcoords_new"] = 3 # SpriteList collision resources self.collision_detection_program = self.load_program( vertex_shader=":system:shaders/collision/col_trans_vs.glsl", geometry_shader=":system:shaders/collision/col_trans_gs.glsl", ) self.collision_buffer = self.buffer(reserve=1024 * 4) self.collision_query = self.query(samples=False, time=False, primitives=True) # --- Pre-created geometry and buffers for unbuffered draw calls ---- # FIXME: These pre-created resources needs to be packaged nicely # Just having them globally in the context is probably not a good idea self.generic_draw_line_strip_color = self.buffer(reserve=4 * 1000) self.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo = self.buffer(reserve=8 * 1000) self.generic_draw_line_strip_geometry = self.geometry( [ BufferDescription(self.generic_draw_line_strip_vbo, "2f", ["in_vert"]), BufferDescription( self.generic_draw_line_strip_color, "4f1", ["in_color"], ), ] ) # Shape line(s) # Reserve space for 1000 lines (2f pos, 4f color) # TODO: Different version for buffered and unbuffered # TODO: Make round-robin buffers self.shape_line_buffer_pos = self.buffer(reserve=8 * 10) # self.shape_line_buffer_color = self.buffer(reserve=4 * 10) self.shape_line_geometry = self.geometry( [ BufferDescription(self.shape_line_buffer_pos, "2f", ["in_vert"]), # BufferDescription(self.shape_line_buffer_color, '4f1', ['in_color']) ] ) # ellipse/circle filled self.shape_ellipse_unbuffered_buffer = self.buffer(reserve=8) self.shape_ellipse_unbuffered_geometry: Geometry = self.geometry( [BufferDescription(self.shape_ellipse_unbuffered_buffer, "2f", ["in_vert"])] ) # ellipse/circle outline self.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_buffer = self.buffer(reserve=8) self.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_geometry: Geometry = self.geometry( [ BufferDescription( self.shape_ellipse_outline_unbuffered_buffer, "2f", ["in_vert"] ) ] ) # rectangle filled self.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_buffer = self.buffer(reserve=8) self.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_geometry: Geometry = self.geometry( [ BufferDescription( self.shape_rectangle_filled_unbuffered_buffer, "2f", ["in_vert"] ) ] ) self.atlas_geometry: Geometry = self.geometry() self._atlas: Optional[TextureAtlas] = None # Global labels we modify in `arcade.draw_text`. # These multiple labels with different configurations are stored self.label_cache: Dict[str, arcade.Text] = {} # self.active_program = None self.point_size = 1.0
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset context flags and other states. This is mostly used in unit testing. """ self.screen.use(force=True) self.bind_window_block() # self.active_program = None arcade.set_viewport(0, self.window.width, 0, self.window.height) self.enable_only(self.BLEND) self.blend_func = self.BLEND_DEFAULT self.point_size = 1.0
[docs] def bind_window_block(self) -> None: """ Binds the projection and view uniform buffer object. This should always be bound to index 0 so all shaders have access to them. """ gl.glBindBufferRange( gl.GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0,, 0, 128, # 32 x 32bit floats (two mat4) )
@property def default_atlas(self) -> TextureAtlas: """ The default texture atlas. This is created when arcade is initialized. All sprite lists will use use this atlas unless a different atlas is passed in the :py:class:`arcade.SpriteList` constructor. :type: TextureAtlas """ if not self._atlas: # Create the default texture atlas # 8192 is a safe maximum size for textures in OpenGL 3.3 # We might want to query the max limit, but this makes it consistent # across all OpenGL implementations. self._atlas = TextureAtlas( self.atlas_size, border=2, auto_resize=True, ctx=self, ) return self._atlas @property def projection_2d(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Get or set the global orthogonal projection for arcade. This projection is used by sprites and shapes and is represented by four floats: ``(left, right, bottom, top)`` When reading this property we reconstruct the projection parameters from pyglet's projection matrix. When setting this property we construct an orthogonal projection matrix and set it in pyglet. :type: Tuple[float, float, float, float] """ mat = self.window.projection # Reconstruct the projection values from the matrix # TODO: Take scale into account width = 2.0 / mat[0] height = 2.0 / mat[5] a = width * mat[12] b = height * mat[13] left = -(width + a) / 2 right = left + width bottom = -(height + b) / 2 top = bottom + height return left, right, bottom, top @projection_2d.setter def projection_2d(self, value: Tuple[float, float, float, float]): if not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value) != 4: raise ValueError( f"projection must be a 4-component tuple, not {type(value)}: {value}" ) # Don't try to set zero projection leading to division by zero width, height = self.window.get_size() if width == 0 or height == 0: return self.window.projection = Mat4.orthogonal_projection( value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], -100, 100, ) @property def projection_2d_matrix(self) -> Mat4: """ Get the current projection matrix. This 4x4 float32 matrix is calculated when setting :py:attr:`~arcade.ArcadeContext.projection_2d`. This property simply gets and sets pyglet's projection matrix. :type: pyglet.math.Mat4 """ return self.window.projection @projection_2d_matrix.setter def projection_2d_matrix(self, value: Mat4): if not isinstance(value, Mat4): raise ValueError("projection_matrix must be a Mat4 object") self.window.projection = value @property def view_matrix_2d(self) -> Mat4: """ Get the current view matrix. This 4x4 float32 matrix is calculated when setting :py:attr:`~arcade.ArcadeContext.view_matrix_2d`. This property simply gets and sets pyglet's view matrix. :type: pyglet.math.Mat4 """ return self.window.view @view_matrix_2d.setter def view_matrix_2d(self, value: Mat4): if not isinstance(value, Mat4): raise ValueError("view_matrix must be a Mat4 object") self._view_matrix_2d = value self.window.view = self._view_matrix_2d
[docs] @contextmanager def pyglet_rendering(self): """ Context manager for doing rendering with pyglet ensuring context states are reverted. This affects things like blending. """ blend_enabled = self.is_enabled(self.BLEND) try: yield finally: if blend_enabled: self.enable(self.BLEND)
[docs] def load_program( self, *, vertex_shader: Union[str, Path], fragment_shader: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, geometry_shader: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, tess_control_shader: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, tess_evaluation_shader: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, common: Iterable[Union[str, Path]] = (), defines: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, varyings: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, varyings_capture_mode: str = "interleaved", ) -> Program: """ Create a new program given a file names that contain the vertex shader and fragment shader. Note that fragment and geometry shader are optional for when transform shaders are loaded. This method also supports the resource handles. Example:: # The most common use case if having a vertex and fragment shader program = window.ctx.load_program( vertex_shader="vert.glsl", fragment_shader="frag.glsl", ) :param vertex_shader: path to vertex shader :param fragment_shader: path to fragment shader (optional) :param geometry_shader: path to geometry shader (optional) :param tess_control_shader: Tessellation Control Shader :param tess_evaluation_shader: Tessellation Evaluation Shader :param common: Common files to be included in all shaders :param defines: Substitute ``#define`` values in the source :param varyings: The name of the out attributes in a transform shader. This is normally not necessary since we auto detect them, but some more complex out structures we can't detect. :param varyings_capture_mode: The capture mode for transforms. ``"interleaved"`` means all out attribute will be written to a single buffer. ``"separate"`` means each out attribute will be written separate buffers. Based on these settings the `transform()` method will accept a single buffer or a list of buffer. """ from arcade.resources import resolve vertex_shader_src = resolve(vertex_shader).read_text() vertex_shader_src = self.shader_inc(vertex_shader_src) fragment_shader_src = None geometry_shader_src = None tess_control_src = None tess_evaluation_src = None common_src = [resolve(c).read_text() for c in common] if fragment_shader: fragment_shader_src = resolve(fragment_shader).read_text() fragment_shader_src = self.shader_inc(fragment_shader_src) if geometry_shader: geometry_shader_src = resolve(geometry_shader).read_text() geometry_shader_src = self.shader_inc(geometry_shader_src) if tess_control_shader and tess_evaluation_shader: tess_control_src = resolve(tess_control_shader).read_text() tess_evaluation_src = resolve( tess_evaluation_shader ).read_text() tess_control_src = self.shader_inc(tess_control_src) tess_evaluation_src = self.shader_inc(tess_evaluation_src) return self.program( vertex_shader=vertex_shader_src, fragment_shader=fragment_shader_src, geometry_shader=geometry_shader_src, tess_control_shader=tess_control_src, tess_evaluation_shader=tess_evaluation_src, common=common_src, defines=defines, varyings=varyings, varyings_capture_mode=varyings_capture_mode )
[docs] def load_compute_shader(self, path: Union[str, Path], common: Iterable[Union[str, Path]] = ()) -> ComputeShader: """ Loads a compute shader from file. This methods supports resource handles. Example:: ctx.load_compute_shader(":shader:compute/do_work.glsl") :param path: Path to texture :param common: Common source injected into compute shader """ from arcade.resources import resolve path = resolve(path) common_src = [resolve(c).read_text() for c in common] return self.compute_shader( source=self.shader_inc(path.read_text()), common=common_src, )
[docs] def load_texture( self, path: Union[str, Path], *, flip: bool = True, build_mipmaps: bool = False, ) -> Texture2D: """ Loads and creates an OpenGL 2D texture. Currently, all textures are converted to RGBA for simplicity. Example:: # Load a texture in current working directory texture = window.ctx.load_texture("background.png") # Load a texture using Arcade resource handle texture = window.ctx.load_texture(":textures:background.png") :param path: Path to texture :param flip: Flips the image upside down :param build_mipmaps: Build mipmaps for the texture """ from arcade.resources import resolve path = resolve(path) image = if flip: image = image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) texture = self.texture( image.size, components=4, data=image.convert("RGBA").tobytes() ) image.close() if build_mipmaps: texture.build_mipmaps() return texture
[docs] def shader_inc(self, source: str) -> str: """ Parse a shader source looking for ``#include`` directives and replace them with the contents of the included file. The ``#include`` directive must be on its own line and the file and the path should use a resource handle. Example:: #include :my_shader:lib/common.glsl :param source: Shader """ from arcade.resources import resolve lines = source.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#include"): path = resolve(line.split()[1].replace('"', "")) lines[i] = path.read_text() return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def get_framebuffer_image( self, fbo: Framebuffer, components: int = 4, flip: bool = True, ) -> Image.Image: """ Shortcut method for reading data from a framebuffer and converting it to a PIL image. :param fbo: Framebuffer to get image from :param components: Number of components to read :param flip: Flip the image upside down """ mode = "RGBA"[:components] image = Image.frombuffer( mode, (fbo.width, fbo.height),, ) if flip: image = image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) return image