Source code for arcade.sprite.base

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, TypeVar, Any

import arcade
from arcade.types import Point, Color, RGBA255, PointList
from arcade.color import BLACK
from arcade.hitbox import HitBox
from arcade.texture import Texture

    from arcade.sprite_list import SpriteList

# Type from sprite that can be any BasicSprite or any subclass of BasicSprite
SpriteType = TypeVar("SpriteType", bound="BasicSprite")

[docs] class BasicSprite: """ The absolute minimum needed for a sprite. It does not support features like rotation or changing the hitbox after creation. For more built-in features, please see :py:class:`~arcade.Sprite`. :param texture: The texture data to use for this sprite. :param scale: The scaling factor for drawing the texture. :param center_x: Location of the sprite along the X axis in pixels. :param center_y: Location of the sprite along the Y axis in pixels. """ __slots__ = ( "_position", "_depth", "_width", "_height", "_scale", "_color", "_texture", "_hit_box", "sprite_lists", "_angle", "__weakref__", ) def __init__( self, texture: Texture, scale: float = 1.0, center_x: float = 0, center_y: float = 0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self._position = (center_x, center_y) self._depth = 0.0 self._texture = texture self._width = texture.width * scale self._height = texture.height * scale self._scale = scale, scale self._color: Color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) self.sprite_lists: List["SpriteList"] = [] # Core properties we don't use, but spritelist expects it self._angle = 0.0 self._hit_box = HitBox( self._texture.hit_box_points, self._position, self._scale ) # --- Core Properties --- @property def position(self) -> Point: """ Get or set the center x and y position of the sprite. Returns: (center_x, center_y) """ return self._position @position.setter def position(self, new_value: Point): if new_value == self._position: return self._position = new_value self._hit_box.position = new_value self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_position(self) @property def center_x(self) -> float: """Get or set the center x position of the sprite.""" return self._position[0] @center_x.setter def center_x(self, new_value: float): if new_value == self._position[0]: return self.position = (new_value, self._position[1]) @property def center_y(self) -> float: """Get or set the center y position of the sprite.""" return self._position[1] @center_y.setter def center_y(self, new_value: float): if new_value == self._position[1]: return self.position = (self._position[0], new_value) @property def depth(self) -> float: """ Get or set the depth of the sprite. This is really the z coordinate of the sprite and can be used with OpenGL depth testing with opaque sprites. """ return self._depth @depth.setter def depth(self, new_value: float): if new_value != self._depth: self._depth = new_value for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_depth(self) @property def width(self) -> float: """Get or set width or the sprite in pixels""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, new_value: float): if new_value != self._width: self._scale = new_value / self._texture.width, self._scale[1] self._hit_box.scale = self._scale self._width = new_value self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_width(self) @property def height(self) -> float: """Get or set the height of the sprite in pixels.""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self, new_value: float): if new_value != self._height: self._scale = self._scale[0], new_value / self._texture.height self._hit_box.scale = self._scale self._height = new_value self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_height(self) # @property # def size(self) -> Point: # """Get or set the size of the sprite as a pair of values.""" # return self._width, self._height # @size.setter # def size(self, new_value: Point): # if new_value[0] != self._width or new_value[1] != self._height: # self._scale = new_value[0] / self._texture.width, new_value[1] / self._texture.height # self._width = new_value[0] # self._height = new_value[1] # self.update_spatial_hash() # for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: # sprite_list._update_size(self) @property def scale(self) -> float: """ Get or set the sprite's x scale value or set both x & y scale to the same value. .. note:: Negative values are supported. They will flip & mirror the sprite. """ return self._scale[0] @scale.setter def scale(self, new_value: float): if new_value == self._scale[0] and new_value == self._scale[1]: return self._scale = new_value, new_value self._hit_box.scale = self._scale if self._texture: self._width = self._texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = self._texture.height * self._scale[1] self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_size(self) @property def scale_xy(self) -> Point: """Get or set the x & y scale of the sprite as a pair of values.""" return self._scale @scale_xy.setter def scale_xy(self, new_value: Point): if new_value[0] == self._scale[0] and new_value[1] == self._scale[1]: return self._scale = new_value self._hit_box.scale = self._scale if self._texture: self._width = self._texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = self._texture.height * self._scale[1] self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_size(self) @property def left(self) -> float: """ The leftmost x coordinate in the hit box. When setting this property the sprite is positioned relative to the leftmost x coordinate in the hit box. """ return self._hit_box.left @left.setter def left(self, amount: float): leftmost = self.left diff = amount - leftmost self.center_x += diff @property def right(self) -> float: """ The rightmost x coordinate in the hit box. When setting this property the sprite is positioned relative to the rightmost x coordinate in the hit box. """ return self._hit_box.right @right.setter def right(self, amount: float): rightmost = self.right diff = rightmost - amount self.center_x -= diff @property def bottom(self) -> float: """ The lowest y coordinate in the hit box. When setting this property the sprite is positioned relative to the lowest y coordinate in the hit box. """ return self._hit_box.bottom @bottom.setter def bottom(self, amount: float): lowest = self.bottom diff = lowest - amount self.center_y -= diff @property def top(self) -> float: """ The highest y coordinate in the hit box. When setting this property the sprite is positioned relative to the highest y coordinate in the hit box. """ return @top.setter def top(self, amount: float): highest = diff = highest - amount self.center_y -= diff @property def visible(self) -> bool: """ Get or set the visibility of this sprite. This is a shortcut for changing the alpha value of a sprite to 0 or 255:: # Make the sprite invisible sprite.visible = False # Change back to visible sprite.visible = True # Toggle visible sprite.visible = not sprite.visible """ return self._color[3] > 0 @visible.setter def visible(self, value: bool): self._color = Color( self._color[0], self._color[1], self._color[2], 255 if value else 0, ) for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_color(self) @property def color(self) -> Color: """ Get or set the RGBA multiply color for the sprite. When setting the color, it may be specified as any of the following: * an RGBA :py:class:`tuple` with each channel value between 0 and 255 * an instance of :py:class:`~arcade.types.Color` * an RGB :py:class:`tuple`, in which case the color will be treated as opaque Example usage:: >>> print(sprite.color) Color(255, 255, 255, 255) >>> sprite.color = arcade.color.RED >>> sprite.color = 255, 0, 0 >>> sprite.color = 255, 0, 0, 128 """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color: RGBA255): if len(color) == 4: if ( self._color[0] == color[0] and self._color[1] == color[1] and self._color[2] == color[2] and self._color[3] == color[3] ): return self._color = Color.from_iterable(color) elif len(color) == 3: if ( self._color[0] == color[0] and self._color[1] == color[1] and self._color[2] == color[2] ): return self._color = Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], self._color[3]) else: raise ValueError("Color must be three or four ints from 0-255") for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_color(self) @property def alpha(self) -> int: """Get or set the alpha value of the sprite""" return self._color[3] @alpha.setter def alpha(self, alpha: int): self._color = Color(self._color[0], self._color[1], self._color[2], int(alpha)) for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_color(self) @property def texture(self) -> Texture: """ Get or set the visible texture for this sprite This property can be changed over time to animate a sprite. Note that this doesn't change the hit box of the sprite. """ return self._texture @texture.setter def texture(self, texture: Texture): if texture == self._texture: return if __debug__ and not isinstance(texture, Texture): raise TypeError( f"The 'texture' parameter must be an instance of arcade.Texture," f" but is an instance of '{type(texture)}'." ) self._texture = texture self._width = texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = texture.height * self._scale[1] self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_texture(self) # ---- Update methods ----
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Generic update method. It can be called manually or by the SpriteList's update method. """ pass
[docs] def on_update(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60) -> None: """ Update the sprite. Similar to update, but also takes a delta-time. It can be called manually or by the SpriteList's on_update method. :param delta_time: Time since last update. """ pass
[docs] def update_animation(self, delta_time: float = 1 / 60) -> None: """ Generic update animation method. Usually involves changing the active texture on the sprite. This can be called manually or by the SpriteList's update_animation method. :param delta_time: Time since last update. """ pass
# --- Scale methods -----
[docs] def rescale_relative_to_point(self, point: Point, factor: float) -> None: """ Rescale the sprite and its distance from the passed point. This function does two things: 1. Multiply both values in the sprite's :py:attr:`~scale_xy` value by ``factor``. 2. Scale the distance between the sprite and ``point`` by ``factor``. If ``point`` equals the sprite's :py:attr:`~position`, the distance will be zero and the sprite will not move. :param point: The reference point for rescaling. :param factor: Multiplier for sprite scale & distance to point. :return: """ # abort if the multiplier wouldn't do anything if factor == 1.0: return # set the scale and, if this sprite has a texture, the size data self.scale_xy = self._scale[0] * factor, self._scale[1] * factor if self._texture: self._width = self._texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = self._texture.height * self._scale[1] # detect the edge case where distance to multiply is zero position_changed = point != self._position # be lazy about math; only do it if we have to if position_changed: self.position = ( (self._position[0] - point[0]) * factor + point[0], (self._position[1] - point[1]) * factor + point[1], ) # rebuild all spatial metadata self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_size(self) if position_changed: sprite_list._update_position(self)
[docs] def rescale_xy_relative_to_point( self, point: Point, factors_xy: Iterable[float] ) -> None: """ Rescale the sprite and its distance from the passed point. This method can scale by different amounts on each axis. To scale along only one axis, set the other axis to ``1.0`` in ``factors_xy``. Internally, this function does the following: 1. Multiply the x & y of the sprite's :py:attr:`~scale_xy` attribute by the corresponding part from ``factors_xy``. 2. Scale the x & y of the difference between the sprite's position and ``point`` by the corresponding component from ``factors_xy``. If ``point`` equals the sprite's :py:attr:`~position`, the distance will be zero and the sprite will not move. :param point: The reference point for rescaling. :param factors_xy: A 2-length iterable containing x and y multipliers for ``scale`` & distance to ``point``. :return: """ # exit early if nothing would change factor_x, factor_y = factors_xy if factor_x == 1.0 and factor_y == 1.0: return # set the scale and, if this sprite has a texture, the size data self.scale_xy = self._scale[0] * factor_x, self._scale[1] * factor_y if self._texture: self._width = self._texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = self._texture.height * self._scale[1] # detect the edge case where the distance to multiply is 0 position_changed = point != self._position # be lazy about math; only do it if we have to if position_changed: self.position = ( (self._position[0] - point[0]) * factor_x + point[0], (self._position[1] - point[1]) * factor_y + point[1], ) # rebuild all spatial metadata self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_size(self) if position_changed: sprite_list._update_position(self)
# ---- Utility Methods ---- @property def hit_box(self) -> HitBox: return self._hit_box
[docs] def update_spatial_hash(self) -> None: """ Update the sprites location in the spatial hash if present. """ for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: if sprite_list.spatial_hash is not None: sprite_list.spatial_hash.move(self)
[docs] def register_sprite_list(self, new_list: "SpriteList") -> None: """ Register this sprite as belonging to a list. We will automatically remove ourselves from the list when kill() is called. """ self.sprite_lists.append(new_list)
[docs] def remove_from_sprite_lists(self) -> None: """ Remove the sprite from all sprite lists. """ while len(self.sprite_lists) > 0: self.sprite_lists[0].remove(self) self.sprite_lists.clear()
# ----- Drawing Methods -----
[docs] def draw_hit_box(self, color: RGBA255 = BLACK, line_thickness: float = 2.0) -> None: """ Draw a sprite's hit-box. This is useful for debugging. :param color: Color of box :param line_thickness: How thick the box should be """ points: PointList = self.hit_box.get_adjusted_points() # NOTE: This is a COPY operation. We don't want to modify the points. points = tuple(points) + tuple(points[:-1]) arcade.draw_line_strip(points, color=color, line_width=line_thickness)
# ---- Shortcut Methods ----
[docs] def kill(self) -> None: """ Alias of ``remove_from_sprite_lists()``. """ self.remove_from_sprite_lists()
[docs] def collides_with_point(self, point: Point) -> bool: """ Check if point is within the current sprite. :param point: Point to check. :return: True if the point is contained within the sprite's boundary. """ from arcade.geometry import is_point_in_polygon x, y = point return is_point_in_polygon(x, y, self.hit_box.get_adjusted_points())
[docs] def collides_with_sprite(self: SpriteType, other: SpriteType) -> bool: """Will check if a sprite is overlapping (colliding) another Sprite. :param other: the other sprite to check against. :return: True or False, whether or not they are overlapping. """ from arcade import check_for_collision return check_for_collision(self, other)
[docs] def collides_with_list( self: SpriteType, sprite_list: "SpriteList" ) -> List[SpriteType]: """Check if current sprite is overlapping with any other sprite in a list :param sprite_list: SpriteList to check against :return: List of all overlapping Sprites from the original SpriteList """ from arcade import check_for_collision_with_list # noinspection PyTypeChecker return check_for_collision_with_list(self, sprite_list)