Source code for arcade.gui.experimental.password_input

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from arcade.gui import UIInputText, UIEvent, UITextEvent, Surface

[docs] class UIPasswordInput(UIInputText): """A password input field. The text is hidden with asterisks."""
[docs] def on_event(self, event: UIEvent) -> Optional[bool]: if isinstance(event, UITextEvent): event.text = event.text.replace("\n", "") # remove new lines! event.text = event.text.replace("\r", "") # remove new lines! return super().on_event(event)
[docs] def do_render(self, surface: Surface): self.layout.begin_update() position = self.caret.position text = self.text self.text = "*" * len(self.text) super().do_render(surface) self.text = text self.caret.position = position self.layout.end_update()