Source code for arcade.sprite.sprite

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from arcade import Texture, load_texture
from arcade.hitbox import HitBox, RotatableHitBox
from arcade.texture import get_default_texture
from arcade.types import PathOrTexture, Point2
from import OpenGlFilter, BlendFunction

from .base import BasicSprite
from .mixins import PymunkMixin

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # handle import cycle caused by type hinting
    from arcade.sprite_list import SpriteList

__all__ = ["Sprite"]

[docs] class Sprite(BasicSprite, PymunkMixin): """ Sprites are used to render image data to the screen & perform collisions. Most games center around sprites. They are most frequently used as follows: 1. Create ``Sprite`` instances from image data 2. Add the sprites to a :py:class:`~arcade.SpriteList` instance 3. Call :py:meth:`SpriteList.draw() <arcade.SpriteList.draw>` on the instance inside your ``on_draw`` method. For runnable examples of how to do this, please see arcade's :ref:`built-in Sprite examples <sprites>`. .. tip:: Advanced users should see :py:class:`~arcade.BasicSprite` It uses fewer resources at the cost of having fewer features. :param path_or_texture: Path to an image file, or a texture object. :param center_x: Location of the sprite in pixels. :param center_y: Location of the sprite in pixels. :param scale: Show the image at this many times its original size. :param angle: The initial rotation of the sprite in degrees """ __slots__ = ( "_velocity", "change_angle", "_properties", "boundary_left", "boundary_right", "boundary_top", "boundary_bottom", "textures", "cur_texture_index", "_hit_box", "physics_engines", "_sprite_list", "guid", "force", ) def __init__( self, path_or_texture: Optional[PathOrTexture] = None, scale: float = 1.0, center_x: float = 0.0, center_y: float = 0.0, angle: float = 0.0, **kwargs: Any, ): if isinstance(path_or_texture, Texture): _texture = path_or_texture _textures = [_texture] elif isinstance(path_or_texture, (str, Path)): _texture = load_texture(path_or_texture) _textures = [_texture] else: _texture = get_default_texture() # Backwards compatibility: # When applying default texture we don't want # it part of the animating ones _textures = [] super().__init__( _texture, scale=scale, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, **kwargs, ) PymunkMixin.__init__(self) self._angle = angle # Movement self._velocity = 0.0, 0.0 self.change_angle: float = 0.0 # Custom sprite properties self._properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None # Boundaries for moving platforms in tilemaps self.boundary_left: Optional[float] = None self.boundary_right: Optional[float] = None self.boundary_top: Optional[float] = None self.boundary_bottom: Optional[float] = None self.cur_texture_index: int = 0 self.textures: List[Texture] = _textures self.physics_engines: List[Any] = [] self._sprite_list: Optional[SpriteList] = None # Debug properties self.guid: Optional[str] = None self._hit_box: RotatableHitBox = self._hit_box.create_rotatable( angle=self._angle ) self._width = self._texture.width * scale self._height = self._texture.height * scale # --- Properties --- @property def angle(self) -> float: """ Get or set the rotation or the sprite. The value is in degrees and is clockwise. """ return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, new_value: float): if new_value == self._angle: return self._angle = new_value self._hit_box.angle = new_value for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_angle(self) self.update_spatial_hash() @property def radians(self) -> float: """ Get or set the rotation of the sprite in radians. The value is in radians and is clockwise. """ return self._angle / 180.0 * math.pi @radians.setter def radians(self, new_value: float): self.angle = new_value * 180.0 / math.pi @property def velocity(self) -> Point2: """ Get or set the velocity of the sprite. The x and y velocity can also be set separately using the ``sprite.change_x`` and ``sprite.change_y`` properties. Example:: sprite.velocity = 1.0, 0.0 Returns: Tuple[float, float] """ return self._velocity @velocity.setter def velocity(self, new_value: Point2): self._velocity = new_value @property def change_x(self) -> float: """Get or set the velocity in the x plane of the sprite.""" return self.velocity[0] @change_x.setter def change_x(self, new_value: float): self._velocity = new_value, self._velocity[1] @property def change_y(self) -> float: """Get or set the velocity in the y plane of the sprite.""" return self.velocity[1] @change_y.setter def change_y(self, new_value: float): self._velocity = self._velocity[0], new_value @property def hit_box(self) -> HitBox: """ Get or set the hit box for this sprite. """ return self._hit_box @hit_box.setter def hit_box(self, hit_box: Union[HitBox, RotatableHitBox]): if type(hit_box) == HitBox: self._hit_box = hit_box.create_rotatable(self.angle) else: # Mypy doesn't seem to understand the type check above # It still thinks hit_box can be a union here self._hit_box = hit_box # type: ignore @property def texture(self) -> Texture: """Get or set the active texture for this sprite""" return self._texture @texture.setter def texture(self, texture: Texture): if texture == self._texture: return if __debug__ and not isinstance(texture, Texture): raise TypeError( f"The 'texture' parameter must be an instance of arcade.Texture," f" but is an instance of '{type(texture)}'." ) # If sprite is using default texture, update the hit box if self._texture is get_default_texture(): self.hit_box = RotatableHitBox( texture.hit_box_points, position=self._position, angle=self.angle, scale=self._scale, ) self._texture = texture self._width = texture.width * self._scale[0] self._height = texture.height * self._scale[1] self.update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: sprite_list._update_texture(self) @property def properties(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get or set custom sprite properties. """ if self._properties is None: self._properties = {} return self._properties @properties.setter def properties(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): self._properties = value # --- Movement methods -----
[docs] def forward(self, speed: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Adjusts a Sprites forward. :param speed: speed """ angle_rad = math.radians(self.angle) self.center_x += math.sin(angle_rad) * speed self.center_y += math.cos(angle_rad) * speed
[docs] def reverse(self, speed: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Adjusts a Sprite backwards. :param speed: speed """ self.forward(-speed)
[docs] def strafe(self, speed: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Adjusts a Sprite sideways. :param speed: speed """ angle_rad = math.radians(self.angle + 90) self.center_x += math.sin(angle_rad) * speed self.center_y += math.cos(angle_rad) * speed
[docs] def turn_right(self, theta: float = 90.0) -> None: """ Rotate the sprite right by the passed number of degrees. :param theta: change in angle, in degrees """ self.angle = self._angle + theta
[docs] def turn_left(self, theta: float = 90.0) -> None: """ Rotate the sprite left by the passed number of degrees. :param theta: change in angle, in degrees """ self.angle = self._angle - theta
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the Sprite's motion by setting the velocity and angle change to 0. """ self.velocity = 0, 0 self.change_angle = 0
# ---- Draw Methods ----
[docs] def draw( self, *, filter: Optional[OpenGlFilter] = None, pixelated: Optional[bool] = None, blend_function: Optional[BlendFunction] = None ) -> None: """ A debug method which draws the sprite into the current OpenGL context. .. warning:: You are probably looking for :py:meth:`SpriteList.draw() <arcade.SpriteList.draw>`! Drawing individual sprites is slow compared to using :py:class:`~arcade.SpriteList`. See :ref:`pg_spritelists_why` for more information. This method should not be relied on. It may be removed one day. :param filter: Optional parameter to set OpenGL filter, such as `gl.GL_NEAREST` to avoid smoothing. :param pixelated: ``True`` for pixelated and ``False`` for smooth interpolation. Shortcut for setting filter=GL_NEAREST. :param blend_function: Optional parameter to set the OpenGL blend function used for drawing the sprite list, such as 'arcade.Window.ctx.BLEND_ADDITIVE' or 'arcade.Window.ctx.BLEND_DEFAULT' """ if self._sprite_list is None: from arcade import SpriteList self._sprite_list = SpriteList(capacity=1) self._sprite_list.append(self) self._sprite_list.draw( filter=filter, pixelated=pixelated, blend_function=blend_function ) self._sprite_list.remove(self)
# ----Update Methods ----
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ The default update method for a Sprite. Can be overridden by a subclass. This method moves the sprite based on its velocity and angle change. """ self.position = ( self._position[0] + self.change_x, self._position[1] + self.change_y, ) self.angle += self.change_angle
# ----Utility Methods----
[docs] def update_spatial_hash(self) -> None: """ Update the sprites location in the spatial hash. """ # self._hit_box._adjusted_cache_dirty = True # super().update_spatial_hash() for sprite_list in self.sprite_lists: if sprite_list.spatial_hash is not None: sprite_list.spatial_hash.move(self)
[docs] def append_texture(self, texture: Texture): """ Appends a new texture to the list of textures that can be applied to this sprite. :param texture: Texture to add to the list of available textures """ self.textures.append(texture)
[docs] def set_texture(self, texture_no: int) -> None: """ Set the current texture by texture number. The number is the index into ``self.textures``. :param texture_no: Index into ``self.textures`` """ texture = self.textures[texture_no] self.texture = texture
[docs] def remove_from_sprite_lists(self) -> None: """ Remove this sprite from all sprite lists it is in including registered physics engines. """ super().remove_from_sprite_lists() for engine in self.physics_engines: engine.remove_sprite(self) self.physics_engines.clear()
[docs] def register_physics_engine(self, physics_engine: Any) -> None: """ Register a physics engine on the sprite. This is only needed if you actually need a reference to your physics engine in the sprite itself. It has no other purposes. The registered physics engines can be accessed through the ``physics_engines`` attribute. It can for example be the pymunk physics engine or a custom one you made. """ self.physics_engines.append(physics_engine)
[docs] def sync_hit_box_to_texture(self): """ Update the sprite's hit box to match the current texture's hit box. """ self.hit_box = RotatableHitBox( self.texture.hit_box_points, position=self._position, angle=self.angle, scale=self._scale, )