--- /home/docs/checkouts/
+++ /home/docs/checkouts/
@@ -64,8 +64,22 @@
         self.background_color = arcade.color.AMAZON
+        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
+        self.held_cards = None
+        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
+        # they have to go back.
+        self.held_cards_original_position = None
     def setup(self):
         """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """
+        # List of cards we are dragging with the mouse
+        self.held_cards = []
+        # Original location of cards we are dragging with the mouse in case
+        # they have to go back.
+        self.held_cards_original_position = []
         # Sprite list with all the cards, no matter what pile they are in.
         self.card_list = arcade.SpriteList()
@@ -85,18 +99,50 @@
         # Draw the cards
+    def pull_to_top(self, card: arcade.Sprite):
+        """ Pull card to top of rendering order (last to render, looks on-top) """
+        # Remove, and append to the end
+        self.card_list.remove(card)
+        self.card_list.append(card)
     def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, key_modifiers):
         """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
-        pass
+        # Get list of cards we've clicked on
+        cards = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.card_list)
+        # Have we clicked on a card?
+        if len(cards) > 0:
+            # Might be a stack of cards, get the top one
+            primary_card = cards[-1]
+            # All other cases, grab the face-up card we are clicking on
+            self.held_cards = [primary_card]
+            # Save the position
+            self.held_cards_original_position = [self.held_cards[0].position]
+            # Put on top in drawing order
+            self.pull_to_top(self.held_cards[0])
     def on_mouse_release(self, x: float, y: float, button: int,
                          modifiers: int):
         """ Called when the user presses a mouse button. """
-        pass
+        # If we don't have any cards, who cares
+        if len(self.held_cards) == 0:
+            return
+        # We are no longer holding cards
+        self.held_cards = []
     def on_mouse_motion(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float):
         """ User moves mouse """
-        pass
+        # If we are holding cards, move them with the mouse
+        for card in self.held_cards:
+            card.center_x += dx
+            card.center_y += dy
 def main():